Las regatas vienen definidas en la sección 14 de los estatutos (By-Laws) de la clase. Son de tres tipos: Regatas de Flota, Regatas Autorizadas y Campeonatos Importantes.
Section 14. Snipe Events
Snipe events are divided into:
• Club or Fleet regattas
• Sanctioned regattas
• Major Championships
A Club or Fleet regatta is a local regatta within the members of a single fleet or Yacht Club. Those regattas may be run using the Rules for Conducting non-Championship regattas and may not have a PRO (Principal Race Officer) present.
A Sanctioned regatta is a regatta that is listed in each Nation’s calendar. Annually each National Secretary presents the list of regattas to be sanctioned to the SCIRA office. Any regatta qualifying for a subsequent Major Championship must be a sanctioned regatta.
Recognition of a sanctioned regatta means that at least:
1. All competitors are current members of SCIRA (both skipper and crew)
2. The boat is properly registered with SCIRA for the year with a decal displayed on the hull
3. The boat has a current MDS (Measurement Data Sheet) on file
4. A PRO (Principal Race Officer) is present
A Major Championship is a regatta assigning a World, an area title or is a Regional Game. To be recognized as a Major Championship the regatta must comply with the requirements of the Sanctioned regattas, the Rules for Conducting national and International Championships, the applicable Deed of Gift and the World Sailing regulations, if any.
¿Quieres que tu regata sea incluida dentro del calendario o en el Circuito Nacional? Pulsa a continuación y remítenos los datos.